12 Days of Phonics - Little Genius Academy


Learning Grammar can be a perfect adventure for your little one in the universe of words. Here’s a short guide on how teaching “Phonics” can be a joyful experience for you and your child.

  1. Practise little and often - Keep it short and simple. Help them practise blending in the morning for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Get them ready to write a list - Help your child sound out or have them write their shopping lists, gift lists, grocery lists and thank you cards, providing them with opportunities to practise spelling and handwriting.
  3. Phonics Chef - Get your child engaged while cooking or baking. Sprinkle flour on the table and have them practise writing out the letters or words.
  4. Spot the tricky word - Tricky words such as ‘the’, ‘was’ and ‘are’, frequently found in Children’s books and writing, are harder to sound out. Day by day, have your child point out tricky words. You can ask them to circle it while reading or writing out stories.
  5. Make any game a phonics game - You can play your child’s favourite board games; you can substitute words for sounded out words. E.g. - In Shopping Game - Do you have b-ea-n-s?
  6. Refrigerator Writing - Your child will enjoy writing words on the refrigerator. Using a whiteboard marker will be even more fun.
  7. Games for long journeys - You can add a Phonics twist to traditional car journeys. Eg: “I spy with my little eye something beginning with “s” or using number plates to practise recognising capital letter sounds.
  8. Worksheets - Your child will enjoy filling out worksheets, similar to filling out forms. You can get a set of worksheets to be used at home.
  9. Reading Decodable Books - Decodable books use the sounds a child knows and enable them to practise their blending. If your child’s school teaches systematic phonics, you can get decodable books from them or try the local library.
  10. Phonics Art - A new and fun-filled kind of activity. Use Google and ask your child which picture they want to search for. Then ask them to sound it out or type it on the keyboard. After this, ask them to choose the picture and you can make a poster of those pictures to create phonics art.
  11. Spot the Sound - While you’re out finishing your shopping, look for sounds in signs and advertisements which can be an educational distraction for the little ones. Eg - The first one to find the sound of “s” wins a point.
  12. Phonics Fun - Practising reading and spelling phonics can be a guilt-free free time for you and your child. Your child will look forward to this every time.

If you want your child to get trained by a professional phonics educator, Little Genius offers the best Phonics and Grammar Classes in Vadodara. To get more details about the courses we offer, please visit our website https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/


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