Teaching English to Kids through Puppetry


English has become an integral part of our academic and work life and thus introducing children to the language at an early age is crucial. Although there are many ways to improve a child’s English speaking skills, let’s learn how puppetry can help kids learn the language.

Puppetry is a way to open windows to a whole new world of imagination and fun for children. It teaches the children through scenes, actions and dialogues while making it more interesting. But how does puppetry help with learning English and improving speaking skills?

  • Attention-grabbing - Puppets are attention-grabbing, especially for children, because of their colourful and creative appearance. Imagine a child seeing a puppet speak and act, that excitement is bound to engage children more. Thus, when something is taught through puppet play, it grabs the attention of children, helping them learn faster.
  • Striking Imagination - A talking person is someone that a child sees every day, but how about a talking puppet? This is bound to stimulate the creative side of any child and help them learn through imagination.
  • Learning in a fun way - Using a puppet can be entertaining while teaching the children a new language. This helps improve English speaking skills through fun interactions with the puppet. Children are more interested in participating in the activity because puppet play makes it very exciting and creative.

Let’s look at some ways to introduce this in the learning process:

  • Sing Along - When the puppet sings fun songs, children will find it amusing. When they are asked to join in, they will do so wholeheartedly. This way, children not only become familiar with English songs but also with the language itself. Music is one of the best ways to get people together while learning a new language and practising the new words.
  • Dialogue Practice - Dialogues are a great way to practise conversation while creating imaginary scenes in the minds of young children. Imagine your kids playing a role from their favourite cartoon and practising the dialogue with a puppet. You will see them improve their speaking skills in no time.
  • Make Conversation - When the kids are introduced to different puppets, they naturally want to interact. When the puppet tells them stories and asks about themselves, children enjoy answering. This helps improve English speaking skills while effortlessly conversing with their favourite puppet characters.
  • Play Games - Children always love to have a playing partner, especially a fun colourful puppet. This would make the children completely attentive during games. Make these games more interactive by playing games such as “guess the word” or “find the object.” This can help children learn English more effortlessly.
  • Act out new stories - Take any English story that children might like and enact different roles. Let the puppet play a role while children take on different characters. This helps children practice words and dialogues while playing and learning with their peers and puppets.
  • Introduce new characters - Creating multiple different puppets with different personalities and voices is a great way to capture kids’ attention and make them curious. Children will want to get to know each character, how it speaks, how it behaves, etc. Through these interactions, puppets will help children enhance their speaking skills and language knowledge.

So now you know how effective puppet play can be for teaching English and improving children’s speaking skills. If you are looking for the best English class for kids in Vadodara, then Little Genius can be your best bet. To get more information about our services, visit our website https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/


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