7 Ways to improve your child’s spelling skills

 Does making your child prepare for a weekly spelling test make your heart sink? Spelling skills are very important, especially for younger grades. Good spelling skills can help to improve their reading abilities, vocabulary and language fluency and can set your child’s future success. Here are 7 fun ways that can help. 

  • Highlight the tricky part - There will always be one part of the word that will be difficult for your child to spell. For example:

Weird, Receive, Separate

Or there can be two parts that need their attention

Accommodate, Address, Necessary

Once you have highlighted the words together, get them to write the word without looking. The next time they will be more focused to get the tricky part right. 

  • Break it down - Try breaking down the polysyllabic words to make each syllable easier to remember. 

Break two syllable words like:

Danger - Dan/ger

Windmill - Wind/mill

And for three syllable words:

Relation - Re/la/tion

Beautiful - Beau/ti/ful 

  • Say it as it is spelt - To remember double s, stress and extend the sound: fussssss.

To remember double z, stress and extend the sound: buzzzz.

To remember double e: seeeem 

  • Make it acrostic - Visualizing a difficult word differently can help your child to learn it faster. Create a phrase from each letter of a word and turn it into an acrostic which can be easier to learn. You can try these examples or ask your child to create their own. 









  • Trace, Copy and Recall - Fold three columns on a piece of paper, label the first column as ‘trace’, the next as ‘copy’ and the last one as ‘recall’. Make your child write the word in the first column and have your child trace the letters. Next, have him copy the word by looking at what he has written. Finally, fold the first two columns and let your child recall the spelling and write the word independently. 

  • Memorization - Memorizing spelling words is a traditional method to teach your child. Show your child the word written on paper. Then explain to him/her how to visualize a word in the mind. Then have them close their eyes and ask them to picture the word, letter by letter in their mind. Ask them to spell the word loud and then open their eyes to check the spelling. This is called visual memorization and is the most effective way to learn spelling.  

  • Spelling Train - Read a word aloud and have your child write it down. Using the last letter in the word, ask them to write another word beginning from the last letter. 

Eg: Tin




Little Genius provides online phonics and grammar classes for kids, if you wish to train your kids enroll them in our program today.  


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