Why students should study English Literature


Studying English Literature can help students learn about other cultures and places that expand their horizons. It shows them how the characters think, react and solve the problem. The process students go through as they think and analyze literature builds their ability to be critical thinkers and problem solvers. Sometimes, studying literature exposes them to words and ideas that reach into their soul and change them forever. Literature is also a form of time travel that helps put today in context. It helps students understand and appreciate how humanity has evolved over the years. 

Enrolling your kids in the best English class in Vadodara can help to broaden their horizons and allow them to understand the world from a deeper perspective. 

Here are a few reasons why students should study literature:

  1. Relieves stress and anxiety - Literature helps relieve stress and anxiety. Reading a book can do wonders for the stressed mind. A fast heartbeat can be slowed down by reading and thus helps in reducing the reader’s stress and anxiety. 

  1. Increases their imagination powers - According to World Literacy Foundation, the finest method to cultivate rigorous imagination is to read. Watching a movie requires little imagination, whereas reading a book requires the reader to mentally create the scene. In addition to strengthening the imagination, this exercise can promote creative thinking and innovation. 

  1. Helps to keep the brain active - The benefits of reading to the brain cannot be ignored. Reading literature can help the kids to keep their brains healthy and active. 

  1. Expands their vocabulary - The vocabulary in literature is often more challenging as compared to magazines or light books. Many readers are unfamiliar with the language that is used in the books. The study of literature is a great way to expand their vocabulary and gain new language skills. 

  1. Enhances their writing skills - Reading literature more can help kids to improve their writing skills. Besides fueling imagination and expanding vocabulary, literature introduces students to different literary styles, idea organization and character development. 

  1. Builds their communication skills - Reading literature can help students to become better communicators which extends to their daily interactions and conversations as well. If students are exposed to literature at a young age, they can build their communication skills quite early. 

  1. Motivates critical thinking - Literature is an excellent way for students to learn how to think critically. To fully understand the plot, the students need to pay attention to every detail, form relationships and develop their ideas. Teachers can use literature as a tool to expand their critical thinking skills. 

  1. Enhance their knowledge about history - Literature offers a unique way to learn history. It is much more interesting than learning a timeline or memorizing facts. Regardless of the book’s fiction or focus, students can be exposed to different perspectives and facts about the time the book was written in. 

  1. Infuses kindness in children - The study of literature has shown that reading can make one feel more empathic. Studies state that reading fiction regularly improves one’s ability to guess what other people are feeling or thinking. 

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