Why Kids Should be Taught Entrepreneurship

The school system wants students to focus on the task assigned and rarely ask students to go off and dream about their projects or become child entrepreneurs. 

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Similarly, we must teach our kids to be entrepreneurial, the ones who show the traits to be. Just as we encourage the kids who are good in science to go for science. What if we saw the ones with entrepreneurial traits and taught them to be entrepreneurs?

Little Genius’ Junior CEOs is a business program for kids that prepares them as aspiring business leaders. This unique interactive program introduces them to the fundamentals of business like entrepreneurship, marketing, financial literacy and advertising. 

Entrepreneurship prepares your kids in the following ways:

  • Problem-solving

Owning a business comes with the task of facing and solving problems regularly. From customers to employees to computers, anything can have a problem. You always need to be ever ready to solve all these problems. Children learn to become patient and inculcate the ability to take independent decisions. 


Here’s how you can teach kids problem-solving:

  • Identifying the problem and talking about it

  • Coming up with ideas to give possible solutions

  • Listing the benefits of a possible approach

  • Taking an active decision 

  • Allowing them to experience the negative consequence of their decision

  • The art of selling

Instead of assigning chores and giving your kids a fixed allowance as pocket money. You could encourage them to find jobs they think they are inclined to do. After this, you can ask them to come to you and negotiate a price for the job. Through this activity, they can learn the art of selling things to strangers. It teaches them how to talk maturely, embrace the fear of rejection and learn the art of persuasion. 


  • Tenacity

Entrepreneurs have to suffer at some point in life. Most successful entrepreneurs became a success because they believed in pushing the boundaries despite the failures. You might dislike seeing your child facing problems and struggling to figure out things the right way, but need to have patience. Entrepreneurship teaches your kids to be headstrong and fearless at a young age.    

  • Creativity 

Creativity is associated with art. Entrepreneurs are some of the most creative people out there. They can create their jobs, offer employment to their employees and are truly ambitious brains. They need to be observant and be active in identifying what people need. They should smartly notice the demand and create their supply and sell their product or service at a profitable price. Children should be given plenty of time with unstructured play, where they can use their imagination productively. 

  • Leadership 

There are different ways of teaching kids to be successful entrepreneurs. You must not encourage them to be Bossypants but encourage them to be good leaders. You must encourage them to participate in activities and observe how they interact. Don’t jump to help them if they are facing some problems, allow them to figure out their way.

  • How Little Genius can help?

Want your kids to hone business skills? Little Genius’ Junior CEO program teaches management skills for kids that train them to become smart entrepreneurs at a very young age. To get more details about the program, click on this link.

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