Fun Ways to teach Spoken English to Kids

Fun Ways to teach Spoken English to Kids Many parents would like to teach their children English at home, but do not know how to begin. Here are some fun ways to teach spoken English to kids. Singing - Singing is a fun way to teach English to kids. You can sing songs and teach your kids different words. Karaoke videos on YouTube can make the experience more enjoyable and interactive. Singing can help improve pronunciation and language skills. Storytelling - Reading English stories is a great way to teach English to kids. Eg: You can read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to help your kids learn words like the caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly etc. Storytelling helps improve their listening, speaking and comprehension skills. Movies & TV Shows - Watching English movies and TV shows is a great way to teach English to kids. Let your kids watch shows like “Barney & Friends” and “ Sesame Street” and movies like “Finding Nemo” and “The Lion King”. Encourage yo...