Dos and Don’ts to achieve success in Olympiad Exams

The Olympiad exams are one of the most competitive exams for kids. Participating in Olympiad exams can help in enhancing your kid’s analytical and problem-solving skills. It can help in nurturing their minds from a very young age. However, to score high marks in Olympiads is not easy. Here are some dos and don’ts that can help you to achieve success in Olympiad exams. Do’s Set a perfect timetable - Make sure to prepare yourself for the exams. Allot yourself adequate time to study and avoid last minute preparations for the exams. Make a list of topics that you have studied and are yet to be covered. This can help in setting a perfect timetable. Give equal time to all the subjects and study accordingly. Practise previous question papers - Studying from the previous year’s question papers is highly effective. The papers can give you a perfect idea of the format of questions that will be asked in the exams. This practice can also help in determining the time required for...